South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Magnolia Hall, Sumter County (2025 Horatio-Hagood Rd., Hagood)
MagnoliaHall01 MagnoliaHall02 MagnoliaHall03 MagnoliaHall04 MagnoliaHall05
Facade Left Oblique Left Elevation Right Oblique Right Elevation
MagnoliaHall06 MagnoliaHall07 MagnoliaHall08 MagnoliaHall09 MagnoliaHall10
Rear Elevation Front Porch Interior
Main Entrance
MagnoliaHall11 MagnoliaHall12 MagnoliaHall13 MagnoliaHall14  
Dining Room
Detached Kitchen
Right Elevation
Detached Kitchen
Rear Elevation
Slave House

Magnolia Hall, in the rural community of Hagood, is significant as an example of a typical, if restrained, mid-nineteenth century Greek Revival plantation house built ca. 1821 and altered in 1855 and 1860. It is also significant for its association with Dr. Swepson H. Saunders, a prominent cotton planter of antebellum Sumter District and post-Civil War Sumter County. The house as built in 1821 consisted of the present dining room, kitchen, porch, bedroom, and parlor. Between 1853 and 1860, Dr. Saunders added onto the existing house with elements of an elevated façade and a full façade front porch with detached columns, adding four large bed rooms with the spacious hall and the front piazza with overhanging roof structure to accommodate the Saunders’ growing family of fourteen children. With this addition, the axial orientation and front of the house shifted from a northern to a western exposure. In the early 1900s, a tornado removed the front porch roof, which was replaced in a style of that time period, leaving the rafter tails on the porch exposed. Outbuildings contributing to the historic character of the property include a weatherboard sided, lateral gabled, double-pen former slave dwelling, a gable-front detached kitchen, and a two-story, gable-front frame barn. Listed in the National Register September 2, 1999.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register Property.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.