South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Dillon Downtown Historic District, Dillon County
Dillon Theatre
114 North
MacArthur Ave.
116 North
MacArthur Ave.
126 North
MacArthur Ave.
102 East
Harrison St.
114-116 South
Railroad Ave.
103 North
Railroad Ave.
109 North
Railroad Ave.
111 North
Railroad Ave.
117 North
Railroad Ave.
209 North
Railroad Ave.
DHD51 DHD52      
102-104 West
Harrison St.
102-104 West
Harrison St.
Frieze Detail

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The Dillon Downtown Historic District is significant as an intact collection of buildings associated with the commercial growth and development of the town of Dillon, from ca. 1903 to 1948. Sixty buildings contribute to the character of the historic district while fifteen are noncontributing. The historic district is also architecturally significant as a typical example of commercial development and evolution in a small Southern town in the agriculturally rich coastal plain or Pee Dee section of South Carolina during the first half of the twentieth century. The district’s buildings reflect the one- and two-part commercial blocks found in towns throughout the nation and represent stylistic influences ranging from late Victorian period examples displaying elaborate brick-corbeled cornices and pediments to the more simplified and minimalist Depression-era examples with typical low relief detailing and vertical piers. The 1911 Neo-Classical County Courthouse, corner stores and banks featuring Classical Revival vocabulary, the brick depot, other highly decorative buildings, as well as modest but intact commercial stores help to define and anchor the district along both the town’s Main Street and its intersecting railroad corridor. Listed in the National Register January 24, 2003.

View a map showing the boundaries of the Dillon Downtown Historic District.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.