South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Lighthouse Point Shell Ring, Charleston County (Address Restricted)
S1081771015301 S1081771015302 S1081771015303
Aerial View View Across Ring Shell Midden

(Parrot’s Point Shell Ring) Because of recent rises in sea level, Late Archaic-Early Woodland period sites are our oldest available records of more continuing exploitation of the coastal zone, by humans, in the southeastern United States. Although hundreds of shellfish middens of the Southeast date from this period, only a very few have the arcuate geometry of shell rings; Lighthouse Point is one of but 19 Late Archaic-Early Woodland Period shell rings presently well-documented in the state. The function of these shell rings is still unknown. The ring contains the most diverse biota yet recorded from an aboriginal shell ring. In addition to the expected shellfish, the site contains the remains of catfish, drum, mullet, bowfin, and rays, toads, snakes, turtles, turkey, clapper rail, ducks, perching birds, rabbit, rat, squirrel, opossum, dog, raccoon, mink, and deer; human remains occur as bone fragments and coprolites. Charcoal, lithic and ceramic artifacts are also present. Listed in the National Register October 14, 1990.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property. In addition, the Historic Resources of the Late Archaic-Early Woodland Period Shell Rings of South Carolina, ca. 1,000-2,200 years B.C. includes historical background information for this and other related National Register properties.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.