South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Thomas Rose House, Charleston County (57-59 Church St., Charleston)
S1081771002601 S1081771002602 S1081771002603 S1081771002604
Facade Right Oblique Right Elevation Left Oblique

Although considerably altered since its erection in 1735-1740, the Thomas Rose House is one of Charleston’s best specimens of colonial architecture. It is a two and a half story Georgian brick townhouse which retains most of its fine original, early Georgian paneling. The square house is five bays wide and four bays deep with stucco-covered walls and a hipped roof with dormers. A large two-story porch was added about 1830 along the south side; it contains a fanlighted street entrance door flanked by engaged half-round Tuscan columns and is topped by triangular pediment. Present main entrance, also dating from ca. 1830, is in second bay of south side. The original entrance was in center of the street façade. The house has a typical Charleston “double house” plan. Historical architect Albert Simons restored and modernized the residence in 1929. The bath and kitchen were added, missing mantels replaced, one bedroom subdivided, and original detached kitchen connected to main house. Listed in the National Register October 15, 1970.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.