South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Williams House, Allendale County (U.S. Hwy. 321, Ulmer vicinity)
S1081770301101 S1081770301102 S1081770301103 S1081770301104 S1081770301105
Facade Left Oblique Right Elevation Right Rear Oblique Rear Elevation
S1081770301106 S1081770301107 S1081770301108 S1081770301109 S1081770301110
Left Elevation Chimney Detail Brick Piers Detail Interior
Log Construction
Roof Rafters
S1081770301111 S1081770301112 S1081770301113    

(Williams Home Place) The Williams House consists today of a residence built ca. 1800, with an addition built ca. 1906. It is a one and one-half story, three-bay, lateral gable-roofed, log and clapboard hall and parlor farmhouse. The house’s exterior walls are of log construction covered with clapboards. There is no evidence of chinking. The floor joists consist of undressed logs resting on heavy hand-hewn plates and sills atop brick piers. The main body of the house consists of two rooms measuring approximately 30 feet by 16 feet. The larger of the two rooms on the first floor had a Federal-style mantle with gouge work in the form of scallops and stars on the piers and semicircles on the center panel. It is now in the owners’ possession in Georgia. A porch stretches along the entire length of the front façade. Although its physical condition is currently less than perfect having lost one chimney stack and some of its exterior weatherboard siding, the house’s overall integrity of design, materials, workmanship, feeling and association have not changed significantly throughout the building’s history. The Williams Home Place has been named a National Bicentennial Farm, as the property has remained continually in the same family for more than 200 years. Listed in the National Register February 17, 1999.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.